StoreWars is here!

Learn the ways of the Farm! click here for movie

Experience lupine!

"Lupine cultivation is at least 2,000 years old and most likely began in Egypt or in ..."

photo: kat murphy

PMS and Milk - whattup?

“It seems that women who eat more foods high in calcium and vitamin D have less risk of experiencing PMS,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University of Massachusetts.

Click here for more

Farm to School passed!

In California the Farm to School Child Nutrition Improvement Program passed with flying colors. It's now headed to the Commission of Agriculture and Education. Click here to learn more and see what you can do in your neighborhood!

Ellen Degeneres just called the Farm!

Wow! The farm received a call from Ellen Degeneres. She is promoting her new West Coast time slot of 4PM and was taking a tour thru Burbank. A random stop at my brother's place led to an introduction to Nina and a phone call to FarmGirl. But we were out of range and missed it. At least she left a message! So, Ellen, what is in your milk?
tulips galore...
Introducing Ellie, the sage hound...
Pizza that Ellen gave to Nina. Darn it tasted good!
Rosemary flower...check out the Farm to learn more
Nina just had knee surgery and is bummin' big time...until Ellen stopped by and made her day!

Nationwide home delivery for organic foods!

Whoa nellie. check out

These guys get it!

Farmgirl visits TotalEscape in the Los Padres National Forest

Farmgirl visits -

We hiked and took pictures of the wildflowers and pinion pines.
We drove around looking for land for the Farm.
We met locals,
went to a garage sale,
read ReadyMade magazine. A definite read if you enjoy house projects, creativity, and are interested in healthy planet issues.
Some of the other companies we learned about were: - nationwide delivery of organic foods!
you grow girl - no room for a farm? start a garden. - Pop a can, a can of farm that is.

Ellen Degeneres gave us Pizza!

This is the Ellen Degeneres' pizza with a 4 on it to promote her shows new time slot. She gave it to my friend, Peter, for his birthday during her door to door campaign. Go Ellen! Posted by Hello