Soda makers finally getting it!

"According to the Wall Street Journal it looks like the American Beverage Association is discussing a proposal that would halt sales of carbonated soft drinks in elementary schools and... "

Click here for info on sodas and obesity...

Wahoo! Way to go all of you anti-soda-in-school advocates. We get the fact that they need to make money and want to start branding at a young age but at least start making some healthier beverages!

Fruit heading for needy stomachs

USDA announces purchase of canned peaches

Child-nutrition programs and other government food-assistance efforts will receive an infusion of fruit. The U.S. Agriculture Department announced (Friday) it will buy up to 68 million pounds of canned peaches and mixed fruit. The U.S.D.A will channel the fruit it buys into federal food programs for needy people. The agency purchased more than 1 billion pounds of fruits and vegetables last year.

FarmGirl is going to Nutrition School

Wahoo! I just got accepted to the Distance Learning Nutrition Educator Certificate Course at Bauman College. I am psyched to get started - it looks very intriguing. Will keep y'all posted!

Healthy snacks for kids

Here is a link to more links which offer some great recipes for kid-friendly food. Some of them look really easy and tasty. In fact, I'm off to try the 'appetizer cheese balls' (which is a boring way to say zippy little cheese fries'.) Click here for the links.

Farmers and Schools Partner for Success

By joining forces, small farms can now provide fresh fruits and veggies to schools, direct! With the availability of this new market it can mean the difference between farming and not. Click here to learn more.

a healing breath

bless the moons of past
from love and wrinkles
a peace does come

with friends and family
a faith our own
hold strong this earth

thirst and hunger
the life we live
a healing breath to leave

WSJ rocks with the nutrition updates!

The staff is doing an excellent job at the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in promoting nutritional information available FREE to the public. Thank you and keep up the great work!

Free nutritient software from USDA

We just downloaded this free nutritent database software from and we'll let you know how it goes for us. Try it out and let us know!

Genes may affect nutrtients in breast milk

"A woman's genes could affect the nutrients in her breast milk, say researchers from Wake Forest University Health Sciences." Click here for more

Agritourism is the way to go!

click here to learn more

Pine Nuts a valuable commodity

We just toured some pinon pine forests in Central California. Here's some info we found out about the pine nut:

"Given the past management practices, today pinyon pines cover only about 10% of their original range ( 2003). As harvesting pine nuts is a sustainable alternative to using lands for grazing, ..." Click here for more