Dear Farm to School Supporter:
The California Farm to School Taskforce is working to promote and expand farm to school throughout all of California. We are currently recruiting “Farm to School Champions” who will serve as local contacts for others interested in Farm to School. Specific Farm to School issues vary depending on one’s geographic location and professional role in the activities. Nobody has your unique story, perspective, and experiences in working with Farm to School. This is why we hope you will consider becoming a Farm to School Champion.
The only qualifications for becoming a Farm to School Champion are that you believe in the Farm to School program, you have had some experience working in Farm to School, and you are willing to share your story with others. As a Farm to School Champion your name and contact information will be listed on the California Farm to School website as a source for interested parties to contact for Farm to School information and experience.
There are benefits for you as a Farm to School Champion as well. These benefits include increased visibility of your program, company or organization; training opportunities; and the chance to enhance your own program by sharing with and learning from others who are connecting local agriculture with school environments to improve student health.
We know you wear many hats, but we ask that you consider donning yet another symbol of excellence as a Farm to School Champion. If interested, please visit to sign up or contact me with any questions.
Thank you for your support for Farm to School,
-Moira Beery & The California Farm to School Taskforce
Center for Food & Justice
Urban & Environmental Policy Institute
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA
Ph. (323) 341-5099
Fax (323) 258-2917