Due Date Approaching! Seeking Balance in US Farm and Food Policy

Dear Colleagues,

We are rapidly approaching our deadline of January 17 to gather as many
sign-ons as possible before the Farm and Food Policy Project's (FFPP)
declaration "Seeking Balance in US Farm and Food Policy" launches publicly
on January 22nd at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

I've also attached the Dear Colleague letter and the document again for
those of you who wish to take another look at the declaration. This
declaration includes the major priorities of the Community Food Security
Coalition and our partners in the Healthy Food and Communities (HFC)
Workgroup of the FFPP. It represents the consensus wrought between farm,
conservation, anti-hunger, nutrition and community food security
organizations participating in the FFPP process. This document is the FFPP's
opening statement for the upcoming Farm Bill.

Please forward the Dear Colleague letter and the declaration far and wide!
Thanks so much for your time,

Jessie Dowling
Outreach Coordinator
Farm and Food Policy Project
(202) 543-1300