For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release
January 22, 2007

Caroline Craven
Ph: (818) 585-5660
E-mail: mail@farmosafarms.oirg

Farmosa Farms Supports Push For Major Farm Bill Changes

Washington, DC – Farmosa Farms today joined hundreds of other groups around the country to call for a more balanced farm bill – one that would make real progress toward educating consumers of all ages, supporting family farms, promoting entrepreneurship in rural America, enhancing conservation, advancing diversity and support for socially disadvantaged farmers, and tackling the serious hunger and diet-related health problems facing our nation’s citizens.

A report, “Seeking Balance in U.S. Farm and Food Policy,” was released today with endorsements by more than 300 organizations, including Farmosa Farms. The report was developed under the auspices of the Farm and Food Policy Project, a collaboration of rural, family farm, conservation, anti-hunger, nutrition, faith-based, public health, and other groups such as our suburban-based, online, educational nonprofit,

The report outlines innovations aimed at reducing hunger and soaring rates of obesity; promoting entrepreneurship and economic development in farm and rural communities; encouraging local food production, providing incentives for more environmentally-friendly farming systems, and reducing barriers and creating opportunities for young and beginning farmers and ranchers getting started in agriculture.

It's necessary that we look at everyone involved with the food process with significant focus on the consumer. This plan is well-rounded and includes the basics needed to keep us on the right track while offering options for the future.”

A complete copy of the Farm and Food Policy Project’s policy statement and recommendations may be viewed and downloaded from its Web site at

Farmosa Farms, a California non profit corporation, provides a free online resource to promote agriculture for good health within all communities as an online community. In addition they offer customized services and presentations on nutrition education and agricultural awareness. The Farm can be reached at or (go shopping and help the farm!). For further information call Caroline Craven at 818.585.5660. What's in your milk?