Here is a unique opportunity to consider as you plan for the 2008-09
school year. Part of building the National Farm to School Network is an
in depth evaluation on the impact of Farm to School programs. Four
schools/school districts will be chosen in the country for evaluation
services by the national evaluation team working from UNC. This could
be you and a school you are working with. This free service could
provide invaluable information to how your farm to school program is
impacting students, farms, and your community.
Below is a letter spelling out the opportunity and attached is a
nomination form. There is a quickly approaching deadline on submitting
your nomination. Please have forms returned to Michelle Markesteyn
Ratcliffe by January 31st.
You can submit your nomination form to
Read further for more details! Call or email me if you have any
questions, or are concerned about meeting the deadline.
Also, check out the new National Farm to School Website for great
links to other programs in the region and up-to date information
Michelle Markesteyn Ratlciffe, MSEL, PhD
Farm-to-School Manager, Ecotrust
Western Regional Lead for National Farm to School Network