With Superbowl season upon us, it's time to remind you that you
shouldn't mix your salty and sweet snacks. Here's why:
When you eat only 1 flavor at a time, your brain gets easily
satisfied, which means you choose to stop eating before too long.
When you eat 2 or more complimentary flavors together (sweet &
salty, bitter & sweet) your brain NEVER GETS TIRED of eating! One
flavor enhances the experience of the other and your brain is so
happily overstimulated that you won't want to stop eating until
you are ready to burst!
Food producers and sellers know this and use this to boost sales.
Ever wonder why all coffee houses sell sweets or why there are
free salted peanuts at bars? Food companies even hide lots of
unnecessary salt in sweet cereals, just to make your brain demand
more. This all means that you can reduce your appetite and reach
satiety sooner if you stick to one flavor at a time.
Make sure to watch out for sweet beverages too because even diet
drinks will keep you from ever getting tired of a salty or savory
Have a good week!
Jill Brook, M.A.
Diet for Health