Organic Milk Debate

Katy McLaughlin of the Wall Street Journal presents some good information in her blurb on the organic milk debate in the Weekend Journal of December 10-11, 2005. I find it disturbing that whether or not organic milk is more nutritious seems to be the determining factor for the value of going organic. Not to mention the health of the soil, the workers, the planet as a whole.

Regardless, Ms. McLaughlin covered some good facts - "Organic milk [is now] a $322 million business, ujp 126% since 2000, while sales of all milk have been flat, according to market analyst Mintel Group."

Organic move on the rise

Organic movement gains momentum
More and more dairy farmers like natural edge
Shelly Strom
Business Journal staff writer

In spite of reduced yields and higher costs, a growing number of Oregon's 300-plus dairy farms and 20 dairy processors are adjusting their practices to serve consumers looking for more pure dairy products. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

FarmGirl has a Birthday

Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful wishes during the past week. We have had a grand celebration here on the Farm. Healthy agriculture is making headway. Keep up the great work as smart consumers!

Childhood Obesity in Public Schools - A must read!

The government subsidizes low-quality foods, corn and wheat for example, while neglecting far healthier items such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. Pediatrics specialist David Ludwig gives his assessment...

Celebrate Agriculture!

It's time to start planning your 2006 National Ag Day campaign. Teachers, community leaders, government officials and advocates of all ages will find at least one effective project in the new planning guide. CLICK HERE for more.

Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Here is a necessary part of everyone's shopping intelligence - Stoneyfield Farm and Evironmental Working Group have put together this great resource. CLICK HERE to learn more. You can also download the full version of The Shoppers Guide to Pesticides in Produce - CLICK HERE for full version. Way to go Stoneyfield Farms - Keep up the great work!

Obesity Conference

Well, the largest obesity conference in the world is about to take place in Vancouver, B.C. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Governor Vetoes Farm to School Program

Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB826, the California Farm to School Child Nutrition Improvement
Program. As an organization, we supported this program and will look into reasons why it was vetoed. How disappointing tho...

Cows Pass Cars as Polluters

California's San Joaquin Valley for some time has had the dirtiest air in the country. Monday, officials said gases from ruminating dairy cows, not exhaust from cars, are the region's biggest single source of a chief smog-forming pollutant...CLICK HERE for MORE
OTHELLO, Wash. -- For 37 years, Pirie and Jane Grant have grown everything from hay and wheat to beans and potatoes on their central Washington farm. ...The art community is now recognizing the Grants _ and other farmers _ too. Through a partnership between the American Farmland Trust and the Maryhill Museum of Art in Goldendale, Wash., artists from across the Pacific Northwest are visiting farms in the region to document conservation efforts by farmers. CLICK HERE for MORE

New York Dairy Farmers get Organic Boost from Clinton

Belmont, NY - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton met today with dairy farmers for a roundtable discussion about the potential of organic agriculture as an important value-added opportunity for producers in...CLICK HERE for MORE

10 Amazing Disease-Fighting Foods

"Super-foods are terrific, but what are more important to wellness are healthy dietary patterns that include a wide variety of nutritious foods that displace less nutritious foods," notes Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University. Click Here for the top 10 healthy foods.

Nutritional education for "senior" market in High Demand

Farmgirl researches "senior" and "near senior" markets' need for nutrition education. And there is a need! Check out the full report - CLICK HERE

Medicare facing obesity problem

Silver Spring, MD August 25 - Medicare could save millions of dollars in overweight- and obesity-related medical expenditures if older beneficiaries increased their physical activity, according to research published in the most recent issue of Obesity Research. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

Organic Farming supports the X Games!

If you haven't been able to watch the X games, it will open your eyes to a new generation. It is truly inspirational. Several organic companies are catching on early and sponsoring some big air!

Bob Burnquist is picked up by Stoneyfield Yogurt

Also, I saw a big Whole Foods sticker on the front of Danny Way's helmet. Wow! What a great billboard. I couldn't find any info on their websites and have a question into Whole Foods.

With the amound of punishment these guys take I'm not surprised they want to keep their inside as clean as possible!

Organic farming makes the economical grade

according to USDA, organic farming is competitive economically with chemical farming. Click here for the USDA report and let us know your thoughts

Soda makers finally getting it!

"According to the Wall Street Journal it looks like the American Beverage Association is discussing a proposal that would halt sales of carbonated soft drinks in elementary schools and... "

Click here for info on sodas and obesity...

Wahoo! Way to go all of you anti-soda-in-school advocates. We get the fact that they need to make money and want to start branding at a young age but at least start making some healthier beverages!

Fruit heading for needy stomachs

USDA announces purchase of canned peaches

Child-nutrition programs and other government food-assistance efforts will receive an infusion of fruit. The U.S. Agriculture Department announced (Friday) it will buy up to 68 million pounds of canned peaches and mixed fruit. The U.S.D.A will channel the fruit it buys into federal food programs for needy people. The agency purchased more than 1 billion pounds of fruits and vegetables last year.

FarmGirl is going to Nutrition School

Wahoo! I just got accepted to the Distance Learning Nutrition Educator Certificate Course at Bauman College. I am psyched to get started - it looks very intriguing. Will keep y'all posted!

Healthy snacks for kids

Here is a link to more links which offer some great recipes for kid-friendly food. Some of them look really easy and tasty. In fact, I'm off to try the 'appetizer cheese balls' (which is a boring way to say zippy little cheese fries'.) Click here for the links.

Farmers and Schools Partner for Success

By joining forces, small farms can now provide fresh fruits and veggies to schools, direct! With the availability of this new market it can mean the difference between farming and not. Click here to learn more.

a healing breath

bless the moons of past
from love and wrinkles
a peace does come

with friends and family
a faith our own
hold strong this earth

thirst and hunger
the life we live
a healing breath to leave

WSJ rocks with the nutrition updates!

The staff is doing an excellent job at the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in promoting nutritional information available FREE to the public. Thank you and keep up the great work!

Free nutritient software from USDA

We just downloaded this free nutritent database software from and we'll let you know how it goes for us. Try it out and let us know!

Genes may affect nutrtients in breast milk

"A woman's genes could affect the nutrients in her breast milk, say researchers from Wake Forest University Health Sciences." Click here for more

Agritourism is the way to go!

click here to learn more

Pine Nuts a valuable commodity

We just toured some pinon pine forests in Central California. Here's some info we found out about the pine nut:

"Given the past management practices, today pinyon pines cover only about 10% of their original range ( 2003). As harvesting pine nuts is a sustainable alternative to using lands for grazing, ..." Click here for more

StoreWars is here!

Learn the ways of the Farm! click here for movie

Experience lupine!

"Lupine cultivation is at least 2,000 years old and most likely began in Egypt or in ..."

photo: kat murphy

PMS and Milk - whattup?

“It seems that women who eat more foods high in calcium and vitamin D have less risk of experiencing PMS,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University of Massachusetts.

Click here for more

Farm to School passed!

In California the Farm to School Child Nutrition Improvement Program passed with flying colors. It's now headed to the Commission of Agriculture and Education. Click here to learn more and see what you can do in your neighborhood!

Ellen Degeneres just called the Farm!

Wow! The farm received a call from Ellen Degeneres. She is promoting her new West Coast time slot of 4PM and was taking a tour thru Burbank. A random stop at my brother's place led to an introduction to Nina and a phone call to FarmGirl. But we were out of range and missed it. At least she left a message! So, Ellen, what is in your milk?
tulips galore...
Introducing Ellie, the sage hound...
Pizza that Ellen gave to Nina. Darn it tasted good!
Rosemary flower...check out the Farm to learn more
Nina just had knee surgery and is bummin' big time...until Ellen stopped by and made her day!

Nationwide home delivery for organic foods!

Whoa nellie. check out

These guys get it!

Farmgirl visits TotalEscape in the Los Padres National Forest

Farmgirl visits -

We hiked and took pictures of the wildflowers and pinion pines.
We drove around looking for land for the Farm.
We met locals,
went to a garage sale,
read ReadyMade magazine. A definite read if you enjoy house projects, creativity, and are interested in healthy planet issues.
Some of the other companies we learned about were: - nationwide delivery of organic foods!
you grow girl - no room for a farm? start a garden. - Pop a can, a can of farm that is.

Ellen Degeneres gave us Pizza!

This is the Ellen Degeneres' pizza with a 4 on it to promote her shows new time slot. She gave it to my friend, Peter, for his birthday during her door to door campaign. Go Ellen! Posted by Hello

get the fat outta here!

Do you know what your percent body fat is?

I just found out. Quick, poor me another glass of wine. I am giving myself a break because three years ago I had zero percent body fat and was completely emaciated due to my MS. But I am now at 26% and that is too high for someone with my awareness. Special thank you to The Sports Club LA for this information. I will revise my regime and get back to you!

Clinton to end childhood obesity by 2010!

Learn more about Clinton's plan to end obesity!

The richer the fatter?

In a recent Wall Street Journal (AP) article on 3 May 2005, "Obesity Grows Among the Affluent", a study found that Americans who make more than $60,000 per year are getting fatter than low-income folks at a rate of three-to-one. According to Jennefer Robinson of the University of Iowa, lead researcher, "[this] underlines the whole complexity" of the obesity epidemic. Learn more! - Government plan unfairly punished

Government plan unfairly punished. Have you viewed the new USDA pyramid interactive guide? check it out. Learn more -

Ellen - What's in your milk?

The Muddfield Gang sent some "what's in your milk?" gear to Ellen DeGeneres, Organic Style and others, along with a press release and a thank you note for all of their greatness. We'll keep you all posted!
Go to this interactive guide .

Spend 1 minute and plug in some of the food you've eaten today.

Are you as healthy as you thought?

Farm upgrades!

The Farm is going through some technological upgrades with the implementation of Firefox in place of Internet Explorer. We upgraded to Mozilla 1.7 on one of the work horses and are trying out the mail program. After a few transition issues all seems to be working smoothly.

Thank you to everyone at Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird and the rest!

USDA Guidelines

Roy Rivenburg wrote and interesting review on the new USDA dietary guidelines, Scaling food pyramid makes one guinea pig a lesser man “The USDA's revised guidelines work all the angles, but those inhuman sugar limits may sour those looking for a long-term fix.”

It encouraged us to download the guidelines and review them ourselves. We found them quite informative but agree with Roy that they are confusing for the layman.

Whereas we prefer more detailed information, so that we may optimize our potential through nutritional intake, many folks may easily be frustrated with the new guidelines.

We found that the most effective method was to use the interactive health index in combination with the guidelines for an interactive lesson on nutritional guidance. It is amazing to see how deficient one may be in certain areas, even if we think we are being most judicious.

Check it out and let us know!

interactive Healthy index

check out this interactive guide that tells you what you just consumed and how much work it will take to burn it off! is more than dirt

FarmGirl visits the Grand Opening Smithsonian Museum of Native American Indians

Grand Opening Smithsonian Museum of Native American Indians, September 2004 Posted by Hello

Raw milk!

Did you catch the Beyond Organic radio show all about raw milk? interesting...

"We are mammals – we produce milk to raise our babies." Jerry Kaye

some links:

Westin A. Price foundation

Real milk can cure illness!

Organic in Canada

FarmGirl diagnosed with MS

The evil captain sludge found his way to FarmGirl by invading her body with a devistating deblitating disease known briefly as MS, short for multiple sclerosis. But a miracle is happening; knowledge and attitude are taking control!

Organic vs. Refined

Pick up a pack of Trader Joe's Organic Shells and White Cheddar and check out the label. By using words such as "organic", "durum" and "semolina", to those busy with life these look like good things. But infact it is all just refined carbs. So, do we want Organic or do we want Whole Grains? How can we get both?

FarmGirl visits the Grand Opening Smithsonian Museum of Native American Indians

Grand Opening for the Smithsonian Museum of Native American Indians  Posted by Hello

food in schools

Wow. Hope you were able to catch the Beyond Organic edition on food in schools. If not, click here for more info. We were psyched at the Farm as they hit on some important points about obesity being a by-product of profitable business practices. Stoneyfield Yogurt offers a Parent Action Kit. More info at the Farm...

a Must Read!

"Can you really make fast food healthy", Matthew Boyle

Fortune magazine, 4 August 2004

p 135 - 140,15114,672197,00.html

Searching for the perfect low-trans-fat oil to fast-food marketing, Boyle covers a wide range of topics to bring an honest approach to today's state of affairs.

Rivenburg tries USDA guidelines

Interesting article in the LA Times, "Scaling food pyramid makes one guinea pig a lesser man" by Roy Rivenburg. One of the best resources in reviewing the new USDA dietary guidelines.

Click here for more.

what is milk?

I want to give birth. I want to exist. I am aging. Indians of past, sustain not long.

I am lost!

okaaay. can't remember a single thing. Sundance Film Festival was incredible. Check out Mardi Gras: Made in China. The science of agriculture includes production.


Organic milk for boys?

Help - we need some answers!

"I have a question for you about the importance of organic milk. I've heard it's very important for girls to drink organic, but is it also important for boys? What do you know about that? We've started buying it for the boys but wondered what kind of health issues there are with drinking the non-organic milk."


wheat grass juice

why are we all so addicted to wheat grass juice? is it the voice of the future?

Canada better than US?

Who is doing more?

"The present approach of relying on American data (with minor Canadian modifications as indicated above) or that supplied by Canadian industry on an ad-hoc basis is no longer ideal..." Click here for more.