The Seven Deadly Sins of Obesity: How the Modern World is Making us Fat

The Seven Deadly Sins of Obesity: How the Modern World is Making us Fat

Jane Dixon , Dorothy Broom

Argues that the skyrocketing increase in obesity levels is not caused by individuals’ moral weakness, but is due to modern society lacking the virtues necessary for people to adopt and maintain healthy behaviours. In a fresh and highly original approach, the book proceeds to identify a set of seven social and environmental ‘sins’ that characterise our contemporary world, and then describes how each impacts on the level of obesity.

Tell us what you think!

School Garden Grants Available Now!

For all those interested in school gardens,

School gardens are a great connection to farm to school. The California Instructional School Garden funding through the California Department of Education has been finalized. The program makes available two different non-competitive grants to support garden-based education. Equipment and supplies grants and professional development grants are available to eligible California public schools.

More information and the application can be downloaded at:

These non-competitive grants are available on a first come first served basis, so if you are interested in receiving funds to support a garden in your school you should act quickly.

-Moira Beery

California Farm to School Program
Center for Food & Justice
Urban & Environmental Policy Institute
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA
Ph. (323) 341-5099
Fax (323) 258-2917

Alcoholic cirrhosis cannot occur without unsaturated fats

Did you know?

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver cannot occur unless there are unsaturated oils in the diet. [Nanji and French, Life Sciences. 44, 1989.] CLICK HERE for MORE

National Ag Day is coming up!

Event: Ag Day 2007

Date: March 20, 2007


The California Department of Food and Agriculture is hosting "Ag Day '07" at the State Capitol with the theme "Agriculture: Powering Our Future." A special guest will be Shaun White, gold medalist snowboarder and professional skateboarder. This public event will feature speeches, cooking demonstrations, music and more!

The event will take place on the West Steps of the California State Capitol in Sacramento, CA. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

Are Unsaturated fats toxic?

I just had an interesting chat about unsaturated fats. Are they unhealthy for you? We hear they turn toxic when temperatures increase so what happens when they are digested into your body at some where around 98.6. Check this out and let us know your thoughts - CLICK HERE

Unhealthy Vegetable Oils?
Does Food Industry Ignore Science Regarding Polyunsaturated Oils?
Implications for Cancer, Heart Disease

By CJ Puotinen

“The polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFAs in vegetable seed oils are the bane of human health — they actually cause cancer, diabetes, obesity, aging, thrombosis, arthritis, and immunodeficiencies. Their only appropriate use, he says, is as ingredients in paints and varnishes. CLICK HERE

Kids fight obesity!

Check out this story about kids who are fighting obesity: CLICK HERE...

Jill Brook, of, who has helped FarmGirl and many other folks get a grip on their nutritional health. Go Jill!

One man's protein...

"One man's protein is another man's fat" MFS

Know what food is right for you!

Essays on Agriculture

Agriculture in 2025
by LaTasha Cote

The alarm sounds off at about 8:00; a young man reaches over to turn it off. He gets up, jumps in the shower, eats his breakfast, and then heads out the door toward his milk barn. There is no rush to get to the cows because they have already been milked...

Food for Profit

February 2007


Food Giants’ Endless Appetite for Profit Many thanks to my wonderful ex-editor Matthew Wheeland at AlterNet for interviewing me about my book. Here’s how he sets things up: “Appetite for Profit helps illuminate the many ways that food companies — from General Mills to McDonald’s — market the unhealthiest foods to boost their profit margin and fight any attempts to reverse this trend. Read interview.

FarmGirl is Back!

Hey there kids,
We're back - finally! We had a wedding and all sorts of activities and finally caught up on energy. It's all about eating the right foods and watching your health, which we didn't necessarily and paid the price. But we're fighting back strong with healthy, organic meals. More to come, watch this spot!