Jill's Tips!


Have you heard the news? The world and humankind have entered a new era! There are now more overweight people in the world than underweight people.

First of all, that means you can no longer justify cleaning your plate because there are so many starving people in the world. Second, it means we ought to examine and learn from the minority of folks who are at a healthy weight.

Here are some of the healthiest groups of people worldwide:


This Japanese island is home to the longest living folks on earth. Their diet is special in that it emphasizes veggies and contains small amounts of animal protein. They also avoid stuffing themselves and tend to stop eating when they are only 80% full.

The Amish

Because they don’t use cars or machines, these folks walk an average of 50,000 steps per day. The rest of us walk only about 10% that much. Researchers believe that with so much daily activity you can eat all you like. It also helps that they eat mostly homemade foods.

The French

The French get away with eating all kinds of rich foods because they have mastered portion control. By eating slowly and truly savoring each bite, French folks tend to get satisfied after eating very small quantities. In fact, one study found that although the average French family spends 3 times as long eating dinner, they only consume half the calories of an average American family.

Americans who…

1. Eat breakfast

2. Exercise for 40+ minutes almost daily

3. Eat lots of fruits and veggies

4. Weigh themselves often

5. Get enough sleep

6. Read food labels

7. Work hard constantly at watching their weight

Next month I’m taking a trip to Amish country. If I don’t come back, you’ll know why!

Have a good week,


Jill Brook, M.A.
Diet for Health
1047 Foothill Blvd.
(818) 952-0668