Jill's Tips!


This week's tip is in honor of JOYCE'S 78th BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOYCE!

If you know my mentor (and founder of Diet for Health), you know that Joyce is a fantastically energetic, fit Superwoman who does more activities each week than I do in a month. Her vitality is such that she thinks nothing of flying to Tahiti for New Year's Eve swimming with sharks, walking 18 holes of golf when it's 110 degrees outside and raising thousands of dollars for local charities.

Although people usually comment on her figure, it's her youthful brain that inspires me most. Is it just luck that she is smarter, wittier and sharper than her juniors? NO! The following healthy habits can make a brain IMPROVE with age:

1. Eat your fruits and veggies. They are the fountain of youth for every cell!
2. Avoid doing low-carb diets for very long. Your brain prefers it's fuel in the form of carbs...about 450 calories-worth per day! That's a hungry organ!
3. Eat a bit of healthy fat--like nuts, seeds and fish--most days.
4. Have a little caffeine. Only a little is necessary, but it enhances neural connections.
5. Nurture relationships. People with more friends and family have less cognitive decline as they age.
6. Exercise. Your brain thrives on the extra oxygen it receives during a workout.
7. Embrace a little adversity. Chronic uncontrollable stress ages your brain, but regular challenges are healthy and stimulating.
8. Keep a healthy heart. Research is showing that heart health and brain health are very closely related.
9. Do something novel every week. Even blowing your nose with your non-dominant hand creates new neural connections!

Joyce is living proof that if you care for your brain, it will make you smarter, funnier, wiser and more valuable to society with every year.


Have a good week,