You Are What You Grow by Michael Pollan

Concerning the Energy Density of Foods

Published: April 22, 2007
A few years ago, an obesity researcher at the University of Washington named Adam Drewnowski ventured into the supermarket to solve a mystery. He wanted to figure out why it is that the most reliable predictor of obesity in America today is a person's wealth. For most of history, after all, the poor have typically suffered from a shortage of calories, not a surfeit. So how is it that today the people with the least amount of money to spend on food are the ones most likely to be overweight? LEARN MORE

Great books and How to grow world record tomatoes

How to Grow World Record Tomatoes
by Charles Wilber
For most of his 80+ years, Charles Wilber has been learning how to work with nature. In How to Grow World Record Tomatoes he tells his personal story and offers his philosophy and approach to gardening. He reveals for the first time how he grows record-breaking tomatoes and produce of every variety. There's no magic involved. Just a well thought out system that gives plants more than they could ever want, and makes it possible for them to reach their full potential. Wilber's compost is the cornerstone along with a wide circumference around plants layered with compost, alfalfa meal and mulch. Valuable pruning and watering details are given, too, as well as a new way of looking at seeds. As you will learn, growing awesome tomatoes integrates every aspect of gardening that you can imagine. Softcover, 132 pages, Item # 6341. Order online now.


State Laws on School Vending - Legal Analysis

State Laws on School Vending - Legal Analysis The current issue of the Food and Drug Law Journal contains an article I wrote that analyzes the numerous state laws that have been passed in recent years to address the problem of soda and junk food in schools. While there has been much activity, a closer look reveals a chaotic patchwork quilt of policies that often make no sense. The article (co-authored by my colleague Ellen Fried) is called, State School Vending Laws: The Need for a Public Health Approach, and was supported by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. Read the PDF version.

CLICK HERE for more MICHELE SIMON appetite for profit blog.

On Line Nutrition Counseling

Dear FarmGirl,
We are excited to announce the dates for Nutrition for Life's THIRD Foundations Course of the year. Participants from the first two classes are reporting an increase in energy levels, weight loss, less anxiety, and better nights of sleep. This will be the second class that will be available to people on the East Coast. All of the classes will be conference calls so that people from all over the country can participate.
Please email Matthew LaBosco at
or call 626-372-0469 to register.
Class size will be limited, so don't hesitate to reserve your spot today.

Course I

To teach people how to maximize their body's ability to make energy by Normalizing Blood Sugar Levels and to assist them in chooing the best foods and incorporating specific eating strategies into their daily schedule.
#1: Eating Often
#2: Balancing
Learn the roles of each macronutient and how the different types of protein, fats, and carbohydrates, effect our blood sugar levels and hormones.
* Satiey
* Emotional
* Mental Focus
* Physical Energy
* Digestion
* Meal Planning
* Food Quality
* Strategies for
Dining Out
* Troubleshooting

Say Hello to Sprin by Going Green!

Say Hello to Spring by Going Green!
Dear Friend,
The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping — there’s just something about spring that really makes you want to give back to Mother Nature.

One great way to give a little TLC back to the planet that provides us with so much is composting. You’ll cut down on waste, create the best kind of nourishment for your garden and have a perfect excuse to go outside a little more often! Here’s some info to help you get started.

Horizon Organics Rocks!

US NGO initiatives on Food Policy

Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:03 PM
Subject: 2 US NGO initiatives on Food Policy

Dear All,

Two interesting developments for you US watchers:
1. adoption of food policy guide by the American Planning Association
2. Food and Farm Policy Project (funded by the Kellogg Foundation)
statement: "Seeking Balance in US Farm and Food Policy". This can be downloaded after clicking on the hotlink for the FFPP Declaration:

Tim Lang, PhD, FFPH
Professor of Food Policy
City University
Centre for Food Policy
Northampton Square, London EC1V OHB, UK
t: +44-(0)20-7040-8798
web: MSc Food Policy:

Highlight: Mixed outlook for pharmaceutical crops in California

Highlight: Mixed outlook for pharmaceutical crops in California

Pharmaceutical crops - those genetically engineered to produce medicines, vaccines and other pharmaceutical proteins - have been cultivated on a limited scale in California, amid increasing regulations, according to a review article published in the April-June 2007 issue of the University of California's peer-reviewed California Agriculture journal. The USDA imposed more stringent regulations on "pharma crop" field trials in 2003 to reduce risk of gene flow and contamination of human food and livestock feed. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the FDA fight it out

National Association of Nutrition Professionals News <> wrote:
From: National Association of Nutrition Professionals News

The US FDA is at it again. They have been notorious for decades for
their biased attacks and uneven handling of natural, non-
drug/surgery/radiation based health options. This time, though, they
are playing for keeps.

The goal is simple: through a "Guidance" about the regulation
of "CAM" (which they conveniently define as "Complementary and
Alternative MEDICINE" the FDA hopes to serve the interests of Big
Pharma by eliminating all CAM practices and products. ALL of them.

Here's how this deadly game is played:

1. By using the term "Medicine" rather than "Modality" for CAM
practices, the FDA sets the stage so that anyone who is not a
licensed physician is breaking the law by using these modalities
since they are therefore 'practicing medicine without a license'.

2. By using the term "treatment" rather than "therapy", the FDA
limits those who can perform these practices to licensed physicians
and, again, anyone who is not a licensed physician is breaking the
law by using these modalities since only licensed practitioners can
treat. So people using these modalities are therefore 'practicing
medicine without a license'.

3. By using the terms "Medicine" and "treatment" instead
of "Modalities" and "therapy", all substances, including vitamins,
minerals, herbs, co-factors, etc., automatically become untested
drugs since they are being used to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure
disease states. Such use can only legally take place with FDA
approved drugs.

Here's How We Protect CAM Practices,
Practitioners and Products

Numbers. Sheer volume of response. Nothing more and nothing less. NOW
is the time to act. Our window of opportunity slams shut on April 30,

That is the link which allows you to send a comment directly to the
FDA about their deadly "Guidance". Will it matter? Yes, if millions
of people respond. So I am asking you to take this "viral".Here is
what you need to do
if you value your freedom:

1. Click on the link below and add your name to the letter. When you
click "Send" it will be electronically delivered to the FDA docket
site and posted.

2. Write a brief note (or copy the information in this email)
including this link , , and mail it to
every one you can. In your email please:

a. Include everyone you know and tell them that their freedom to
choose their own health modalities and options is under serious

b. Send the same email to the the companies which make the vitamins,
minerals and herbs you use and ask them to send it out to their
entire mailing list.

c. Impress upon the people you contact that we are facing a virulent
and highly organized assault on ALL natural products and procedures
because they do not feed the pharmaceutical coffers and that their
help is crucial.

d. Include a link to the Natural Solutions Foundation website
( ). Ask them to become familiar with the
site in order to lend their support to the health freedom battle
which threatens their right to make their own health choices.

The Top 10 Foods to Eat Organically

The Top 10 Foods to Eat Organically
Excerpted from Your Organic Kitchen, by Jesse Ziff Cool.

Some conventionally grown foods are treated with more pesticides than others. Some retain more of the pesticides. Here is a list of the top 10 foods containing the most pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit research group based in Washington, D.C.